Thursday, 1 November 2012

How time fly's. So much has happened so much has been said and done with very little time to share.

I have a little time to share a brief update while my kids are busy playing in there rooms.

OK so Jessica has had her skin expansion implants put in. All expansions were successful and complete using a local Anastasia. For us that was so important given Jessica's complex issues. Jessica also under went a successful teeth extraction although losing 9 of her baby teeth was upsetting but on the plus side she does still have 4 remaining baby teeth to come through and at least we don't have to worry about over crowding at this point. All that's left is to be certain about the proposed surgery that's been offered is definitely the right path to follow and will be of benefit for Jessica and Jessica alone.

The Catch Is...

Despite this surgery we have had to begin the awful and dread road of acceptance that our baby girl is unlikely to make it into double figures. I can't tell how hard it is trying to swallow that pill. I That's all I can say at this point as it hurts too much.

Now on to our boy Tom. Tom has had his own issues this year health wise. our boy is facing further surgery before this year is over. It would appear his left ear has a flesh eating infection that needs to be surgically removed. In 8order to do this it means Tom will have the entire contents of the inside of his left ear removed. Tom faces up to a month to recover as well as weeks of trying to adapt. We are hopeful that this process will be made easier because Tom already has BaHa hearing aids. unfortunately he is now at the right age where his Anastasia complications could kick in causing great concerns across the board.

Positive Moments

Despite all the endless hospital appointments, hospital stays due to illness and the bad health related news we as a family have enjoyed many happy moments the best being our first family holiday at Longleat centre parks arranged by some lovely kind caring friends of whom we will always be thankful of having the privilege of meeting and getting to know over the past 6 year.

Preparing for another Christmas...

Like every year this year will be another special year. As I write this I find myself strangely getting excited. Last year was the first time I actually enjoyed Christmas I went all out I was organised and planned everything to the last detail. Madness as I am staring to do the same again this year . If there is anything I have learn ed these past few years is every moment is precious every moment is a moment to be cherished every moment has both a negative but more importantly has a positive.

I'm not sure when I will blog again nor am I sure that I'll ever blog again as so much is going to happen within the next 12 months a lot of which I am uncertain I'll ever be able to write about. I say this because I'm already struggling now.

I guess time will tell. For now I just want to say thank you and good luck to you all and a very merry Xmas and a a happy new year.


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