Wednesday, 18 November 2015


Okay so a new post. Where to start is the question!

So the last update well it wasn't the best news in the world the future of our little madame was well some what frightening not to mention bleak and unsure.

This evening I can say this post will be typed with a smile and with a little less of heavy sadden heart.

Let me begin with the birth of our third child Mr Charlie Christopher. Whilst he was a shock and unplanned baby he is our miracle baby he is a baby who made our dreams come true. Born at 38 weeks vie a planned C-section to 2 very relieved parents. No medical issues no stay at the minutes spent in ICU and plenty of cuddles from the moment he was born. A full clean bill of health and home 24 hours later. No tubes no machines no special milk but plenty of disturbed sleeps night feeds by bottles to name a few very new experiences. Crazy really to think that here we were baby number 3 yet our experience was like the ones that first time parents experience.
Charlie is now 2 years old and thriving. He's cheeky he's funny and very daring. He's a strong willed Mr yet loving too. Crazy about cars and loves the outdoors. Typical lad all round. Charlie may not have been planned but we thank our stars every day that he his apart of our life our world our family of which is now very much complete.

Tom our eldest my he's grown up so much and with 7 weeks till his 16th birthday has so much going for him and a lot to look forward too. Tom has and continues to excel bagging himself a GCSE already and working towards gaining an extended grade for science. We started the task of 6th form and he has be planning his path in order to be an Arcitech. Tom from a health point of view is thriving minimal issues and fewer hospital check ups. BCH have begun talks of transferring him over to the adult clinics over the next 12-18 months. Scary but hey we all new this day would come.

Jessica hm well she has defied and laughed in all the faces that said she wouldn't make it to her 5th birthday. I write this with the knowledge that not only did we celebrate her 5th but in 8 weeks we'll be celebrating her 6th birthday. In my last real update i spoke of surgery. Surgery that we later declined and thank god we did because she would never have made it through it nor would she be as happy and health as she is right now. Jessica's health improved once she was put on over night b-pap. As for the orthopaedic team the first lot we fired and the second team are based at GOSH. Her consultant is awesome he does his job because he cares his honest polite and has a knack at understanding individual cases and treats them as such. Jessica's future is still very much day to day. Surgery may be needed at some point but if her body continues to do what it has been then who knows maybe just maybe we might get to watch our little girl grow up. Jessica has been excelling at school she is smart bright clever and a fast learner with bags of willingness to learn every day I swear she'll be a teacher one day given half a chance and you know what she'd dam good at it too. Her next visit was suppose to be this month but this has since been rescheduled for early part of 2016. Here's hoping for good news till then we continue as we are.

Me and Chris celebrated 10 years together this October 12 if you count the courting we did first. We have been threw so much together good bad happy sad. We have been excited yet terrified too. Yet here we are still together still just as strong if not stronger and looking forward to what the next 10-12 years throw at us.


After playing netball for 30 years I made a decision to retire and hang up the netball skirt for good. I had a good run made plenty of friends lost just as many played some very good games and had few rubbish ones along the way. I'm sure though I'll get back on court for tournaments put on for Charity and then there is always the good old weekend tournaments down Brean but only with my mukka's. Now that I have retired I'm embarking on coaching instead. Foxes netball club have allowed me to coach 2 of there teams and after a shaky start I'm pleased with the progress so far. 2 wins 1 draw and 1 loss not bad start. The best part of this is I get to coach a long side My Karen a dear and true friend supporter and fellow team mate. Here's to winter league 2015-16.

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