Great Omand Street Review
The news wasn't good to be fair it was news we have been expecting for sometime. The inevitable has begun. So now the big fight begins! Jessica's spine has worsened it's also piling the pressure on an already unstable chest cavity which in laymon terms means we have to act sooner rather than later. Surgery is her only hope which one and when is yet to be discussed and agreed. Firstly CT SCANS then a discussion before pressing ahead with agreed treatment/surgery.
Last night I had the hardest conversation with Jessica then I've every had in my entire life. Hear is how it went.
Jessica- Mommy what did Tucker say about my back?
Mommy- Do you remember what the picture of your back looked like?
Jessica- Yes
Mommy- What did you see?
Jessica- My spine and my chest and my shoulder and my hips!
Mommy- What did your spine look like? Do you remember?
Jessica- Yes
Mommy- Was your spine straight or curved?
Jessica- It was curved
Mommy- Tucker said that your curved spine needs fixing. It means you will need surgery.
Jessica- How will Tucker fix my spine?
Mommy- Tucker wants to use 1 maybe 2 metal sticks (rods) that can grow with you. These metal sticks will help make your spine straight and make you big and strong. You know daddy's fishing rods they start small but then daddy makes them longer by pulling on them. The metal sticks are very similar and grow similar to fishing rods.
Jessica. How will Tucker put them in?
Mommy- Tucker will need to cut open your back and screw them on tight. He will then stitch up your back so they can't fall out.
Jessica- Will it hurt?
Mommy- You will be asleep when Tucker cuts you open. When you wake up you might feel a little pain but pain medicine will be given if and when you need or want it. I don't know how long or often you might need pain medicine.
Jessica- Will you hold my hand mommy?
Mommy ABSOLUTELY mommy and daddy will be with you every step will be there when you go to sleep will be there when you wake will be there every second of every day of every week month year not matter what.
Jessica gives me a hug and asks what if Tucker can't do the metal sticks? what will happen then?
Mommy- Fighting back tears I tell her there is a strong chance she would die.
Jessica- I hope Tucker can give me metal sticks because I like going to school playing with my friends reading books I LOVE LIVING!
Mommy- If Tucker can do the surgery would you like mommy and daddy to sign the form giving permission?
Mommy- Then that is what mommy and daddy will do I PROMISE.
Massive hugs kisses and I Love Yous before planning date night to the cinema's to watch finding dory.
I haven't much to say right now as I'm still trying to process but what I will say is we have the most amazing little madam and I absolutely take my hat of to her for her courage her determination and her will to fight just to live another day. My biggest worry is not getting her to an age where she could actively play apart into discussions and decisions regarding her health and treatments for her health! but after the above conversation that worry that fear has all but lifted. I have always said I'll not agree to anything that isn't for my kids benefit and I maintain this. I now know what is best for my little lady she has given me the directions needed to get her to her next destination. Does this take away my fears? NO but it has lightened the load a bit.
I will update as and when CT SCANS and results have been completed but for now we still have a few appointments left then holidays can really begin.
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