Saturday, 31 December 2016


To put into words what this year bought us in some respects is hard. Like many families and friends it's been yet another roller coaster ride with few rest stops little swimming yet plenty of floating. We've had success such as tom achieving excellent GCSE results beginning his Alevel studies which started off very rocky but appears to be settling into it now. I passed my car theory and now well on my way to finally smashing the driving test. Charlie has achieved with his number letter and words. He's grown so much this past 12  months. Jessica continues to achieve at school and fights every day with smile to keep her ill health at bay. We've had a rocky past six months with her health its been a struggle to say the least. Chris has struggled a bit this year too. The main thing is together as a family we love support and accept each other and our feelings even when we disagree.

Tom turned 17 years old Jessica is now 7 years old and Charlie is 3 years old. Not bad considering our 2 eldest were given virtually now odds in there favour of surviving there first few years of life.

For me my biggest struggle this year has been having to get use to the loss of my beloved nanna and my mom no longer being 10 minutes down the road. Between the 2 of them my greatest supporters no longer there at least that's how I felt. I can safely say that over the course of this years festive period I've come to realise I'm not a lone my supporters are still there and always will be and for that I'm truly grateful.

2017 is fast approaching hours away whilst some plans are made like driving test hospital appointments more surgery for me another trip or two to spend time with my mom oh and of course I'm gonna be an auntie again to name just a few others are yet to be made as for the in between stuff well I'll worry and deal with that as and when it arrives.

For now I would like to wish all my family friends old and new a very happy new year my this new year be filled with happiness laughter love appreciation and so forth.


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