I thought it only fair to try to put into words the real reasons as to why I started my blog. Before I do perhaps a little history on myself and the family that became all mine.

My name is Brianne I was born 31st January 1979 at Mary Mount Maternity Johannesburg South Africa. I was born with a condition of which I later found out to be hereditary. This condition is widely know as Pierre Robin Sequence. I was born with a cleft palate of the hard and soft palate without the hair lip as well as conductive hearing loss. From the day I was born its fair to say I spent most of the early tears in and out of hospital if not for infections or childhood accidents then for surgery. Its also fair to say I developed a fear a dislike with anything and anything related to the medical world needless to say although I co-operated as and when needed I made sure my feelings were well felt. Its fair to say I still have the same anxieties to this day. My childhood was as different and individual as anybody Else's I had the same growing up pains the attitude dreams upsets first boyfriend first heart break etc..I got to live and work and study like many others I had my ups my downs good experiences bad experiences all of which have contributed to the person I am today. I have my issues even now but there my issues and I'm happy with them.

!995/96 College I studied a GNVQ in Leisure & Tourism then moved onto NVQ Sport Leisure & Recreation 1996/97

11th April 1997 I began a new chapter. I left home for the North Wales which became my home for 6 months I lived and worked as a lifeguard mainly but did part-time as a bar maid too. I have many fond memories of this time my favourite one was teaching a 5 yr old lad to swim without armbands and to relax when dipping under the water. I also taught his little 3 yr old brother to love going under water too. Their parents at the end of the week treated me to a wonderful dinner probably the best meal I'd had in a while. This was their way of saying thank you. My worst would definitely be a rescue that didn't quite go so well.

April 1998 Back to North Wales for another season this time as a cook, lifeguard and assistant instructor for the great outdoors. I also did glass collect in our local island pub for the extra cash. We lived in tents through out the season me and my tent mate had the best tent ever not only did we have double beds made out of bread crates a 3 seater sofa a walk in wardrobe which we easily shared a coffee table and plenty of card nights after a few drinks in our local. Beautiful sandy beach plenty of green and mountains all around us. This is also where I met the man who was soon to be my sons biological father.

1998/1999 After the season finished in wales I moved down to Devon to begin my studies once more this time a HND Countryside Recreation Management. I also did short course in Kayaking, Power boating rock climbing etc.. I continued with the life guarding as well as the waitressing barmaid duties and of course if I wasn't participating in some sporting event then I was most definitely participating within the drinking and dancing scene. All in all what a great few years.

Where it all changed well I became pregnant. Unfortunately myself and my then boyfriend where students with dreams that didn't really connect with each other our relationship was in serious trouble and to be fair we both new deep down it was coming to an end as soon as our academic year was finished. So why did I choose to have my baby? Well there are a couple of reasons, I was a little further into the pregnancy then first thought and whilst working on the poolside I collapsed fearing the worse was rushed to the maternity hospital where a scan not only showed me my baby but his health heartbeat too. I knew as a single mom it would be tough but there was no way I could take my babies life away and certainly not now that he was there before my eyes he was real.

21st December 1999 14:42 weighing 4lb 2oz 34+6 Tom William was born.
Tom was quickly diagnosed with Pierre Robin Sequence a cleft palate of the soft then at 4 weeks old an Xray taken to confirm a chest infection not only was the infection confirmed but so was another condition some what far worse then the above Cerebro Costa Mandibular Syndrome ( CCM ) or in more simply terms BONE GAP.

April 2005 Along came Chris who soon became my best friend someone I could talk to about anything and everything and know I would not be judged. Someone I could laugh with have fun with someone who took away the loneliness I often felt. Our friendship changed around October 2007 personally I was taken by surprise. I'm not one for surprises but have been grateful for this one Chris asked me out on a proper date and we've never looked back since.

2007/2008 I began my NVQ L2 Teaching Assistant
2008/2009 I continued my NVQ L3 Teaching Assistant

After several heartbreaks it was finally confirmed we were expecting due 11th Feb 2010. Another rough pregnancy tests scans diabetes early labour then finally...

27th December 2009 weighing 3lb 10 oz at 33+6 Jessica Elizabeth was born.

Jessica was diagnosed with Pierre Robin Sequence cleft palate and Cerebro Costa Mandibular Syndrome and February this year she was also diagnosed with Congenital Scoliosis...

What can I say both my kids have been through the mill they've been to hell and back and to a degree still do go through the mill yet both of them carry themselves so well they smile and laugh they continue to achieve even against all odds. Tom and Jessica are strong determined feisty cheeky kids who never give up. They make me not only the luckiest Mommy but the proudest privileged mommy in the world.


January 2013 3rd pregnancy confirmed. WOW OMG NOT AGAIN was all that went through our heads. Me personally i feared the worse and uncertain that we/I could go through the emotions terror anger tiredness roller coaster again as specially as Jessica was still going through such a tough time health wise. After a lengthy conversation or two myself and Chris decided we'd go through the motions have all the tests scans etc right up to the last point of no return before announcing or not! After our final round of tests and in depth scans at 25 weeks we proudly announced our baby boy due 9th September 2013. It's hard to put into words the very place we had to go in order to try and make the right choice that we could live with and its fair to say that not everyone would agree and just as many wouldn't be able to understand why. All I can say is we got through it and thankfully never have to go there again.

My blog is my chance to share with you our trials and tribulations on everyday life the ups the downs as well as our most treasured memories. Its also a chance to put into words how I feel how I cope how I view myself as a person as a mother and a partner.

Thank you to everyone who is already following me and my family and to those who are yet to follow!!