Sunday, 3 July 2016

Summer Time Means!

Well the school year is almost complete. Firstly let me start by saying wow where have all those years gone. That's right people we have a school leaver in the house. Tom completed his final GCSE exam on the 27th June. We know he passed his EDSE exam with a Distinction and with a science foundation GCSE GRADE B achieved last year we've faith he's done very well in the rest of his subjects. Just getting to this stage is one heck of an achievement and one both Tom and his entire support network should be proud of. I know I am. Now here's something else just this past week I've been helping Tom to prepare for life after school starting with bank account that he controls OMG helping him begin the task of putting together the first stages of his CV job searching and finalising his place for continued studying by way of A Levels OMG OMG. There was a time where little hope was given he'd see his 1st birthday. I want to say this to anyone who ever doubted LOOK AT HIM KNOW!

JESSICA started year 1 very well and has ended year 1 with a bang high light she smashed to pieces the phonics screening test top of her class top 5 of her year. How's the for someone who has hearing and speech impairments not to mention a tough time with a decline in her health. With every day that comes and goes is another 24 hours of hope faith belief both in and for our babies for every 24 hrs that passes is another day and night packed full of memories. Perhaps there will be a day I can wake up to another school lever in this tough assume little madam!

CHARLIE boy another fantastic year at nursery so much so he is in fact going up a group a year earlier than he should 1 of 10. Whilst not surprised still very proud parents. He really has grown up so much this past 12 months. It's hard to know where the last almost 3 years have gone. Charlie's baby asthma appears to be wearing off to. Dr. Clarke lowered his doses 5 months ago and so far so good. Maybe come November he'll be off them altogether.

So since summer holidays are 3 weeks away I thought I'd share in our excitement. You see summer time means endless annual appointments you know the ones we (me) considers we'll call if there is a problem but 1-2 in every 12 months is more than adequate. You might be wondering why we categories out appointments the teams we see. Well for 2 reasons the first being SCHOOL ADDENCE the other being whilst kids might be accepting they be adaptable resilient that doesn't mean they don't get angry frustrated fed up feelings experienced more when there are no immediate issues. They like you are entitled to be left alone once in a while! Thankfully this summer all appointments will be done and dusted by the end of the 2nd week of August. The kids are so excited as they'll probably spend most of it by the beach you see nanny lives by the beach. We the parents for the first time in six years actually get a much needed break and a chance to spend some quality a lone time together.

what ever you may have planned.

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